Are you nervous or anxious that you’re experiencing a dental emergency? Perhaps you had a fall, or your tooth has been broken, and you’re worried about your mouth. Having good dental health is essential for your overall health and well-being.
Or do you think you have a serious problem, like an abscessed tooth? We’ll guide you through all the potential signs and symptoms that you’re facing in a dental emergency. Then you can take action without panic.
1. A Swollen Jaw
A swollen jaw can be a sign of a dental emergency and requires you to seek immediate medical help. If your jaw becomes swollen after a dental procedure, like a root canal or cavity filling, this is an indicator that an infection might have set in.
Even if your dental surgery did not involve an infection, it is important to consult with a dentist ASAP. Visit to learn more about proper dental care.
2. A Bleeding Gum
If you have gum that is actively bleeding, you are probably dealing with a dental emergency. In most cases, the bleeding gum is caused by a periodontal abscess, an infection that is found in the pockets of the gum tissue.
Additionally, if the bleeding gum is caused by an infection, there may be a significant amount of discomfort in the area. If you are experiencing any of these signs, it is important to contact your local dentist right away.
3. A Severe Toothache
A severe toothache could be a sign of a dental emergency that requires immediate attention from a dentist. Signs that a toothache is beyond the normal discomfort of a cavity are sharp or radiating pain that can be felt in the jaw, neck, and/or head; intense pain or pressure when chewing or biting down; or sensitivity to touch or hot and cold temperatures.
These symptoms can indicate severe decay of the tooth, a cracked or broken tooth, an infection or abscess, or other trauma. Make sure to get a proper diagnosis and treatment for your dental issues.
4. Altered Taste
Signs you are dealing with a dental emergency involving altered taste can range from mild to severe. First, you may notice a strange taste in your mouth with no known source.
This taste can range from metallic or salty to sweet or musty. You may also experience a sudden decline in any taste clarity or a dulling of flavor with food and drinks.
5. A Severe Headache
A severe headache is another tell-tale sign that you are dealing with a dental emergency. These headaches are often accompanied by intense pain that may feel like it originates from the jaw or teeth area.
In some cases, the headache may also be accompanied by a fever and drainage around the affected area. If the headache is persistent and accompanied by any of the other symptoms mentioned, it may be necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Address Dental Emergency Immediately
If you are experiencing any of the above signs, it is important to seek help from your dentist right away. This is especially true if you are in a lot of pain, as it could be a sign of a more serious issue.
It is important to consult a dentist as soon as possible to help avoid any further issues and complications that could arise. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a qualified and experienced dental professional if you think you might be dealing with a dental emergency.
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